09 Jan 2023
The Winter 2023 Edition of our magazine Steel Plus Network Connections is now live!
We are ready to soar! We are dedicating this issue to all of our members and suppliers who have supported us and believed in us during the blackout of 2020-2022. This has given us the determination to ensure that you continue to believe in us and want to soar to new heights with us!
Steel Plus Network’s annual general meeting and gala event in Belgium and Ireland this May is poised to be one of the best-attended and highly anticipated SPN events in years. In this edition, we share the itinerary of the May 2023 events in Brussels and Monaghan. We are pleased to present our reader with interviews conducted with Zoran Radonjic of Pittsburgh Steel Group and Francis Benjamin of Acier Select. These interviews will renew your faith in the structural steel industry and those who work in it.
This magazine connects Steel Plus Network and its members and suppliers to the entire structural steel fabrication industry. Read on!